What Would You Do??
I have shared stories like this with you before…but as we get deeper into this new world and money has become a real issue…what would you do? You go to pull some $ out of an ATM…when you get there you see a bank bag on the ground…open it up and inside is $135,000! Look around…no one there…wait a bit…no one comes…what do ya do?? If $135K isn’t enough to get you to think about it…what IS your number then?? Email me that number…[email protected]
Skim a few bundles out and beat it outta there? Take it all? Turn it in to the bank? There are no wrong answers here…I won’t judge your answers here…AND…honestly…what do you think I would do? And no…I will not be offended at what you say to that either….how well do you know me??
So…click HERE for an option…
Click HERE for a great answer…
And HERE …for MINE…